Friday, September 7, 2012

Social Norm

You know how you see that one person among a large group, and they are making a COMPLETE fool of themselves? Yup. Well. That was me today. 
For My Sociology class, we had to break a few social norms. 
For any of you that know me, you know that I'm usually not too afraid about doing this. For example, when me and Dakota rode around the town of Rupert on our bikes in neon dance costumes, and pink was no big deal. 
But, I felt a little scared doing this project today. 
The first thing I did was grab my sandwich, my ipod, and sat down at an empty table. 
I chose the most obnoxious song I had on my iPod, What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction, and started singing at the top of my lungs...and dancing like a fool.
That's how I felt. 
But, I kept doing it, all for the sake of the class....
I just had to throw my pride out the window, and go with it.   
Result: Stares, Stares, and more stares
Quite a few laughs,
even a couple pictures and videos shot. 
Shoot, maybe i'll become the next BYU YouTube sensation. 

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