Thursday, December 13, 2012

Kode, Cacahuate, Koko Mocha, Kota, Need I say more?

Today's the day!
This girl is the big 2-0!
Best friends since elementary school,
gotten into tons of trouble together,
and have made
countless memories.
Remember how we said that we were
never going to seperate,
we were going to marry best friends,
and raise our kids together?
Who knows what the future
will hold,
but I do know that I can always count
on you.
You are an awesome friend,
and I will NEVER
forget all of the memories
of us.

You are the BEST and I hope you have a rockin' birthday! 
Love you girl!!!

1 comment:

  1. AHHH MAKENZIE HAYNES!! This may have just led me to some teary eyes! You are the best and I'm excited for the break so I can see you...I'm already home so when you get home lets hang out :)
